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God commands men to take the intuitive with their famililes, community and church. At GBC we intentionally train and equip men to do just that. As the men go, so goes the church!
Our men get together typically once a month to go shooting
We are a church fully committed to developing and growing as men that lead their families and church. We do this through intentionally studying the Word of God, and goal setting. We recently had 5 men preach Judges 3-6
Our men went through a training called "Pathways" in Medford, OR, which led to the preaching of the Word from Jan. --Mar. 2023.
Our next training will be in May.
Yearly Men's Retreat:
The men of GBC go away twice a year and intentionally study the Word, reflect on where we are in life, set new goals and challenge each other to intentionally grow. To find out more contact Pastor Andrew at
Men's monthly activities:
Starting Monday, Sept. 11 @6:45-8pm, the men will be doing "MOS
Yearly Men's Retreat:
The men of GBC go away twice a year and intentionally study the Word, reflect on where we are in life, set new goals and challenge each other to intentionally grow. To find out more contact Pastor Andrew at
Men's monthly activities:
Starting Monday, Sept. 11 @6:45-8pm, the men will be doing "MOS" which is Men of Simplicity. It is a big commitment that will enrich their families and lives via Biblical manhood
Jan. 8, 2024 is when MOS begins again
Golf Trip:
Yes, some of us golf. Yes, you can come, even if you're terrible. A few of us normally play in Grants Pass or Myrtle Creek. Contact: Del Johnson for the next scheduled outing.
"The GGG" (Glendale Growth Group)
Our groups begin June 5th at 6:30pm and will be exploring various ways to study the Bible and will end August 23, 2023.
Want to be a better spouse?
The Lord has us all on a journey and we know it takes more than our own wisdom to get us to where we need to be relationally.
"The Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas
"Love & Respect" by Eggerich
"Spiritual Leadership" J. Oswald Chambers
Send us an email if you know you want to go to the next men's event. We'll email you back with exact information on when and where should it changes.